Creamy Potato Salad Bites

Prep time: 30 minutes

Cook time: about 10 minutes

Chill time: at least 1 hour or overnight

12 (2-inch) baby yellow potatoes

1 (6.5-oz.) container Alouette Garlic & Herbs Soft Spreadable Cheese*

1/4 cup milk

Snipped fresh chives, chopped fresh herbs, crumbled bacon or minced red onion (optional garnishes)

Pierce potatoes with a small sharp knife and place in a microwave-safe bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and microwave on HIGH for 10 minutes or until potatoes are soft. Remove any soft potatoes and microwave any that aren’t quite done for a few minutes more. Let stand until cool enough to handle. Cut each in half and scoop out the centers with a very small spoon or melon baller into a medium bowl, leaving a small rim of potato to form a cup. Mash the potato flesh with cheese and milk until smooth. Spoon back into potato shells. For for a prettier presentation, spoon into a pastry bag or large resealable bag with the end snipped off and pipe the mixture into the potato shells. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. May be prepared 1 day ahead. Garnish as desired. Makes 24 potato bites. 

*May substitute any variety of Alouette Soft Spreadable Cheese.


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